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6 Results

  • FREE! Coffee Connection

    FREE! Coffee Connection It’s time to relax, talk, and enjoy a cup of coffee with other parents! The goal of these classes is to improve parent-child relationships by working toward acceptance and encouragement. Activities will include parent education, games, hands-on activities, parent discussion, and parenting sharing. A licensed educator leads the parent discussion, while trained childcare personnel lead the children in learning/play activities. Sponsored by Delano ECFE/School Readiness, Wright County Human Services, and a Delano-Loretto United Way grant. Pre-registration for childcare is required. Childcare is Free for participants attending the class, but space is limited.
  • Free Baby & Me (non-separating)

    Birth to 13 months Come and join other parents and enjoy time with your baby. You and your baby will enjoy activities in the area of movement, sensory experiences, language & literacy, music, and exercise. Parents learn about their baby’s physical, social and emotional development through discussions based on the interests of the class. Many life-long friendships are made in Baby & Me Class - Come for yourself as much as for your baby. We sing, learn, laugh, and share! Registration deadline: May 22
  • New! ECFE Outdoor Nature Class (Parent and Child)

    2.6 years + plus with a parent/caregiver Forest Time: Explore the great outdoors with your child The natural world is a giant, open-ended learning laboratory. Children are innate scientists and love to experience the sights, scents, sounds, and textures of the outdoors. Nature provides countless opportunities for discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and STEM education. In nature, children think, question, and make hypotheses — thereby developing inquisitive minds. Come join this class with your child and learn about the “Sense of Wonder” through your child’s eyes by being outside and surrounded by nature. Every week there will be a variety of planned interactive outdoor activities for you and your child. The instructor, Maggie Olson, has a master’s in environmental education, with extensive experience in planning outdoor education experiences for young children. Classes will be held at Lake Rebecca, so come dressed for the outdoors. Meets weekly at Lake Rebecca Playground ** Please note, there is no childcare available for siblings, we apologize for the misprint in the brochure.
  • Practice Preschool (child only)

    Ages 2 ½ to 4 ½ years Children have a chance to try preschool one day a week! Parents drop off children at the beginning of class and pick them up at the end. While your child is here, they will learn to stand in line, sit at circle time, practice being away from home, and ask a teacher for help when needed. Your child will make new friends and practice social skills in a group setting. The class will have choice time (sensory, fine motor activities, sorting games, puzzles, art mediums, manipulatives, math games, and science experiments), circle time, snack time, use of the large motor room, and storytime. Snacks provided. Participants must be fully toilet trained. (Question template needed to be filled out when registering for this class) *Note: To participate in this class, you must also register/attend one of the following classes: Terrific 2s & 3s on Tuesdays Wild Wednesdays Note: Children must be fully toilet trained.
  • Purposeful Play in the Park

    13 Months to Kindergarten This is a traveling class located at various parks in our community. Timed right before lunch and naps, it’s a great addition to your summer! Each week, families will be led by a licensed teacher in an engaging circle time, enjoy 45 minutes of playtime, and close their time together with songs and fingerplays. This class will give the children a chance to meet new friends and practice social skills all while moving their bodies and enjoying the outdoors. The entire family is welcome to attend. Note: The circle time activities and props are designed for the registered children only. Our first class will be held at Delano’s Inspiration Park. Please bring your filled water bottles for the morning and have your children wear sunscreen, play clothes, and no sandals or flip-flops. **Note: Class will be held at the CEC gymnasium in case of inclement weather. Registration deadline: May 24
  • Wild Wednesdays (non-separating)

    For ages 2.0 years to kindergarten This class is for the whole family! Each week will feature a variety of learning activities based on a theme. Each theme will address an important developmental aspect for young children. For example, creative arts, music, and movement, exploring science and nature, constructive building, language and literacy, early mathematics, and sensory experiences. Come to this class to start your day and learn the benefits of play-based learning with your children. If you also have a younger sibling (13 mo-2.0 years) you may call the office to register them to attend if space is available.